Data Warehouse Upgrade to Vertica 9.2.1
As we announced earlier, we are going to start upgrading the Vertica software on our Data Warehouse to Version 9.2.1. Completing the upgrade will take a few weeks.
The upgrade requires no action on your side.
We will be posting separate announcements to update you on the upgrade status.
UPCOMING: Subtotals in Pivot Tables in Analytical Designer
To enhance the functionality of pivot tables in Analytical Designer, we are introducing subtotals in pivot tables. Subtotals show sums for individual attributes in rows.
If you want to try a beta version of subtotals, set the enablePivotSubtotal
platform setting to true
(for more information about the platform settings, see Platform Settings).
Learn more:
Pivot Tables
Deprecation and Upcoming End-of-life: SFTP for Loading Data to GoodData Platform
SFTP as a method of loading data to the GoodData platform is deprecated. The existing implementations will continue working until further announcement. New implementations will be using WebDAV or other means of uploading data.
For information about all deprecated features, see Deprecated Features.
Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements
In this release, we focused on fixing reported bugs and making improvements in the underlying processes.
We are working on new features, so please stay tuned for the next Release Notes!