October 8, 2020

KPI Dashboards: Drill to URL

In KPI Dashboards, you can now configure drilling to a URL address.

When you click a measure, the target URL opens in a new window.

You can use a hyperlink attribute label or you can create a custom URL. The URL can contain various parameters and identifiers as placeholders.


Learn more:
Drill to URL from KPI Dashboards


Analytical Designer: Turn Off Points in Charts

Analytical Designer enables you to turn off the points in line charts, area charts, and combo charts.

In the Configuration of your insight in the Canvas section, select an option to show the data points or hide them. The default option is auto, which hides or displays the data points automatically based on the data density to ensure best possible readability.


Learn more:
Configure Insight Properties


KPI Dashboards: Drill Down

One of the upcoming releases will introduce the possibility to use attribute drill paths for drilling on KPI Dashboards.

Drill down does not require any configuration and works automatically on attributes with defined drill paths. Simply click an attribute value on a KPI Dashboard to open the drill window.

Typically, you use drill down to view insights in greater detail (for example, you can drill from a yearly to a monthly view).

To try this feature now, use the enableKPIDashboardImplicitDrillDown platform setting and set it to true.

Learn more:
Drill Down in KPI Dashboards


KPI Dashboards: Explore and Edit Insights

One of the upcoming releases will introduce the possibility to explore or edit insights directly from KPI Dashboards for users with at least Explorer user role.

When you edit the insight, you can then save it either to all KPI Dashboards that includes this insight, or you can save a copy for the current dashboard.


To try exploring insights from KP Dashboards, use the enableExploreInsightsFromKD platform setting and set it to true.
To try editing the insights, use the enableEditInsightsFromKD platform setting and set it to true.

Learn more:
Edit KPI Dashboards


Attribute Labels: Support for Hyperlinks

The LDM Modeler now supports the hyperlink type for attribute labels.

A hyperlink label stores a fully qualified URL, which is automatically translated as an HTML link. Hyperlink labels are used, for example, when you enable drilling to URL addresses in KPI Dashboards.


Learn more:
Update a Logical Data Model
Attributes in Logical Data Models


GoodData.UI Version 8.0 Available: Infrastructure Improvements, Ranking Filters, and Turning Off Data Points

We have released Version 8.0 of GoodData.UI, our powerful library for building analytical applications powered by GoodData.

What's new in GoodData.UI Version 8.0

  • Infrastructure improvements
    Version 8.0 comes with significant changes in almost all aspects of the library. While a lot of the changes can be categorized as infrastructural, Version 8.0 also delivers a number of features aimed at developer productivity and ease of use. For the full list of new things, see What's New in Version 8.0.
  • Ranking filters
    You can now use ranking filters to filter your visualizations. A ranking filter shows the data from a set of the highest or lowest ranked values of an attribute based on the ranking criteria that you establish. For more information, see Ranking Filter.
    NOTE: This feature is not available in Analytical Designer.
  • Turning off data points
    You can now turn off data points in line charts, area charts, and combo charts. For more information, see Chart Config -> Configure canvases.
    NOTE: This feature is also available in Analytical Designer.


Deployment of CloudConnect Graphs Disabled for New Customers

As we announced earlier, we disabled the option of deploying processes from CloudConnect graphs for new customers.

If you are an existing GoodData customer and have been using processes from CloudConnect graphs and/or have any of them deployed, nothing has changed for you. You can keep using them and deploy new ones.


REMINDER: Use TLS Version 1.2 or Higher Only

Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.0 and 1.1 is deprecated and will end in one of future releases. We will announce the exact date as soon as it is set.

How will this affect you?
All modern web browsers and programming languages already support the newer versions of TLS (1.2 and higher). Unless you use obsolete software or unsupported systems, you are not affected.

You may be affected if you are using an older version of the libraries or programming languages in your tools. To verify, check the documentation for your tool:

Make sure that all your components and integrations use TLS version 1.2 or higher.

What will happen if you do not upgrade to the newer versions?
When support for TLS version 1.0 and 1.1 ends, if you do not switch to a newer version of TLS, the integration with the GoodData platform will stop working.

Learn more:

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