Pivot Table Improvements
Manually Resize Table Columns
In Analytical Designer and KPI Dashboards (edit mode), you can now manually adjust and save the width of columns in your table insights.
Simply drag and drop the edge of the column header to a new position to adjust the width.
You can also use keyboard buttons to change the width of either all columns in a table or all columns of a one measure.
Learn more:
Pivot Tables
Edit KPI Dashboards
Adjust the Width of Small Tables on KPI Dashboards
KPI Dashboards now automatically resize small tables to fit the whole width of the widget to remove white spaces.
Learn more:
Edit KPI Dashboards
Duplicate KPI Dashboards
KPI Dashboards now allow you to save any existing dashboard as a new one.
The new dashboard includes all the settings of the original dashboard except for alerts and email schedules.
Learn more:
Duplicate KPI Dashboards
GoodData.UI Version 7.8 Available: More Resizing Options for Columns in Pivot Tables
We have released Version 7.8 of GoodData.UI, our powerful library for building analytical applications powered by GoodData.
What's new in GoodData.UI Version 7.8
- Resize columns manually
You can now manually set the width of columns in pivot tables to better fit the column contents. For more information, see Pivot Table -> Manual resizing.
NOTE: This feature is also available in Analytical Designer and KPI Dashboards. - Configure columns to take available space
You can now configure the currently visible columns in pivot tables to take the available screen space. For more information, see Pivot Table -> Resizing visible columns to fill up the container.
NOTE: This feature is also available in KPI Dashboards.
Search for Objects in Your Logical Data Model
The LDM Modeler now allows you to search through the logical data model in your workspace. You can search for datasets, attributes, attribute labels, or facts.
Clicking the search bar opens the dropdown with all LDM datasets and their facts, attributes, and labels. When you start typing in the search bar, it dynamically narrows down the list and highlights the matching results as you continue typing.
Limits Applied to Inline Reports in Scheduled Emails
We introduced size limits for the reports that you share in scheduled emails as inline messages.
A report shared as an inline message can now contain up to:
- 600 rows
- 600 columns
- 4000 cells in total
These limits are applied during report generation, and the report is checked against all of them. Whenever any of these limits is exceeded, the report is not generated and is not included in the scheduled email. Instead, the email will display a warning message.
If you have any other attachments configured in the scheduled email, they will not be affected and will be attached to the email.
These limits have been introduced to prevent low performance that may occur when generating big reports.
Learn more:
Share Reports and Dashboards with Scheduled Emails
Domain Admins to Manage Domains Allowed for CORS Access
As a domain admin, you can now manage the domains that are allowed for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) access to your white-labeled domain.
To do so, use the following APIs:
- Retrieve domains allowed for CORS access
- Add domains allowed for CORS access
- Remove domains allowed for CORS access
Learn more:
White-Label Your Domain
Domain Admins to Delete Notification Rules Created by Non-Existing Users
As a domain admin, you can now delete the notification rules that were created by a user who no longer exists on the GoodData platform (for example, the user left your company and their GoodData login was deleted).
Learn more:
Delete a Notification Rule from a Process
REMINDER: Upgrade Your JDBC Driver to the Latest Version
The JDBC driver version 3.0.2 through 3.1.2 is deprecated and will stop working on August 31, 2020.
Check the version of your JDBC driver.
If your version is 3.0.2 through 3.1.2, upgrade to the latest version, 3.5.1:
- If you are using the driver directly, download and install the latest version of the driver from the Downloads page at https://secure.gooddata.com/downloads.html. If you are a white-labeled customer, log in to the Downloads page from your white-labeled domain:
- If you are using the driver via CloudConnect, upgrade your CloudConnect to the latest version: from the menu bar, click Help -> Check for Updates.
What will happen if you do not upgrade to the latest version?
Versions 3.0.2 through 3.1.2 of the JDBC driver will stop working on August 31, 2020. Once this happens, if you do not upgrade to the latest version, you will start receiving the following error message:
You are using an unsupported version of the JDBC driver.
Download and install the latest version of the driver itself or
CloudConnect from https://secure.gooddata.com/downloads.html.
Learn more:
- For more information about the end-of-life rules for the JDBC driver, see Data Warehouse Driver Version.
- For more information about the deprecation of the JDBC driver version 3.0.2 through 3.1.2, see JDBC Driver Version 3.0.2 through 3.1.2.
- For information about all deprecated features, see Deprecated Features.
REMINDER: Use TLS Version 1.2 or Higher Only
Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.0 and 1.1 is deprecated and will end in one of future releases. We will announce the exact date as soon as it is set.
How will this affect you?
All modern web browsers and programming languages already support the newer versions of TLS (1.2 and higher). Unless you use obsolete software or unsupported systems, you are not affected.
You may be affected if you are using an older version of the libraries or programming languages in your tools. To verify, check the documentation for your tool:
- Java: https://blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/jdk-8-will-use-tls-12-as-default
- Microsoft Windows: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/security/solving-tls1-problem
- Python: https://docs.python.org/3/library/ssl.html
- Ruby: https://blog.rubygems.org/2018/02/24/tls-10-and-11-deprecation-notice.html
Make sure that all your components and integrations use TLS version 1.2 or higher.
What will happen if you do not upgrade to the newer versions?
When support for TLS version 1.0 and 1.1 ends, if you do not switch to a newer version of TLS, the integration with the GoodData platform will stop working.
Learn more:
- For more information about the deprecation of support for TLS version 1.0 and 1.1, see Support for TLS Version 1.0 and 1.1.
- For more information about TLS protocols, see Supported TLS Security Protocols and Ciphers.
- For information about all deprecated features, see Deprecated Features.