Weeks in Date Filters
Analytical Designer and KPI Dashboards now offer weeks in your date filters.
You can use the week attribute to filter your data in insights and KPI dashboards, you can compare the data to the previous period or the same period of the last year, and you can use weeks when customizing your date filter on KPI Dashboards.
How to enable this feature?
- This feature is immediately available for Free plan and new customers.
- All other customers have to enable this feature in their workspaces.
Learn more:
Filters in Analytical Designer
Filter Measures by Date
Time over Time Comparison
Date Filters in KPI Dashboards
Create a Logical Data Model in Your Workspace from CSV Files
You can now create a logical data model in your workspace from CSV files that represent the structure and the type of your data.
This is how it works
In the Web LDM Modeler, simply drag and drop a CSV file to the canvas:
The Web LDM Modeler analyzes the file and suggests the structure of a dataset to create based on this file:
Once you review the suggested structure and confirm it, the Web LDM Modeler creates a dataset:
This way, you can build an LDM from scratch in a newly created workspace or update an existing LDM by adding more datasets and connecting them to the datasets that already are in the LDM.
After you publish the LDM to your workspace, the datasets created from CSV files become integral part of the LDM.
Review your LDM from a different perspective
In addition, you can now switch between the graph view and the list view of the LDM.
- The graph view shows the LDM as a set of color-coded datasets with their relations. This view opens by default when you open the Web LDM Modeler.
- The list view lists all the datasets in your LDM with their statuses (published/not published) and timestamps.
Learn more:
Create a Logical Data Model from CSV Files
UPCOMING: GoodData.UI Version 8.0
We are working on Version 8.0 of GoodData.UI, our powerful library for building analytical applications powered by GoodData.
You can look forward to many new great features and improvements.
Currently, GoodData.UI Version 8.0 is in the beta stage, and we are working hard on getting it ready. Right now, you can use the latest version of GoodData.UI - Version 7.7.
REMINDER: Upgrade Your JDBC Driver to the Latest Version
The JDBC driver version 3.0.2 through 3.1.2 is deprecated and will stop working on August 31, 2020.
Check the version of your JDBC driver.
If your version is 3.0.2 through 3.1.2, upgrade to the latest version, 3.5.1:
- If you are using the driver directly, download and install the latest version of the driver from the Downloads page at https://secure.gooddata.com/downloads.html. If you are a white-labeled customer, log in to the Downloads page from your white-labeled domain:
- If you are using the driver via CloudConnect, upgrade your CloudConnect to the latest version: from the menu bar, click Help -> Check for Updates.
What will happen if you do not upgrade to the latest version?
Versions 3.0.2 through 3.1.2 of the JDBC driver will stop working on August 31, 2020. Once this happens, if you do not upgrade to the latest version, you will start receiving the following error message:
You are using an unsupported version of the JDBC driver.
Download and install the latest version of the driver itself or
CloudConnect from https://secure.gooddata.com/downloads.html.
Learn more:
- For more information about the end-of-life rules for the JDBC driver, see Data Warehouse Driver Version.
- For more information about the deprecation of the JDBC driver version 3.0.2 through 3.1.2, see JDBC Driver Version 3.0.2 through 3.1.2.
- For information about all deprecated features, see Deprecated Features.