March 26, 2020

Release Overview:


Filter Insights by Measure Values in Analytical Designer

Analytical Designer now offers the ability to filter insights not only by an attribute and date but also by values of the measures used in your insight.

You can then display data that corresponds with a specific measure value, fall within or outside of a certain interval, or are greater than the specified value. This allows you to precisely customize your insight.

The filtering by measure value takes place always after filtering by attribute or date.


Learn more:
Filter Insights by Measure Values

NOTE: The measure value filter has already been released in GoodData.UI Version 7.3 on February 27, 2020.


GoodData.UI Version 7.4 Available: Bullet Charts and Auto-resizing for Columns in Pivot Tables

We have released Version 7.4 of GoodData.UI, our powerful library for building analytical applications powered by GoodData.

What's new in GoodData.UI Version 7.4

  • Bullet charts
    You can now create bullet charts. A bullet chart is a variation of a bar chart that displays performance of a measure (primary measure) and its progress towards a goal (target measure). Optionally, the primary measure can also be compared to another measure (comparative measure). For more information, see Bullet Chart.
  • Auto-resizing for columns in pivot tables
    By default, the width of the columns is not set, and all columns have the same fixed width regardless of the actual content. Now, you can configure a pivot table to automatically resize the columns to fit their content. For more information, see Pivot Table -> Column width resizing.

NOTE: Bullet charts and auto-resizing are not available in Analytical Designer yet, but we are working on it. We will post a separate announcement to let you know when this happens.


Changes in Setting Access Rights for the Snowflake Data Warehouse

If you are using the Snowflake data warehouse for loading data to your GoodData project, you no longer need to grant the MODIFY ON WAREHOUSE access right to the user who is referenced in Data Sources.

Here is how you can set up the recommended level of access for this user:
  GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE {database_name}.{schema_name} TO ROLE {role_name};
  GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA {database_name}.{schema_name} TO ROLE {role_name};
  GRANT CREATE STAGE ON SCHEMA {database_name}.{schema_name} TO ROLE {role_name};
  GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA {database_name}.{schema_name} TO ROLE {role_name};
  GRANT SELECT ON FUTURE TABLES IN SCHEMA {database_name}.{schema_name} TO ROLE {role_name};
  GRANT SELECT ON ALL VIEWS IN SCHEMA {database_name}.{schema_name} TO ROLE {role_name};
  GRANT SELECT ON FUTURE VIEWS IN SCHEMA {database_name}.{schema_name} TO ROLE {role_name};

We also recommend that you configure your warehouse to resume when a new query is submitted. This will help prevent data load failures due to the warehouse being suspended.
To do so, use the following command:

Learn more:
GoodData-Snowflake Integration Details
Getting Started with Snowflake and GoodData


API: The Link to Data Uploads in Dataset Information

The API that provides information about a dataset now returns the link to data uploads regardless of whether data has ever been uploaded to this dataset.

Before, this API returned that link only if there had been at least one data upload to this dataset. Otherwise, the link was not included in the response.

  • Endpoint:{project_id}/obj/{dataset_id}
  • Method: GET
  • Response:
         "dataSet": {
           "content": {
             "attributes": [ ... ],
             "dataLoadingColumns": [ ... ],
             "facts": [ ... ],
             "mode": "{mode}"
           "links" : {
             "dataUploads" : "/gdc/md/{project_id}/data/uploads/{dataset_id}"
           "meta" : {
             "author": "/gdc/account/profile/{profile_id}",
             "category" : "dataSet",

How may this affect you?
If you use a tool for handling API calls, you may need to update how it processes the server response.


GoodData.UI Deprecation Policy

We have published the deprecation policy for GoodData.UI.

At any given moment, GoodData supports the following versions of GoodData.UI:

  • The latest major version: This version receives all new features. All issues get fixed.
  • The previous major version: This version receives only security fixes and fixes for critical issues. These fixes will be applied on top of the last minor version released in the previous major version.

All versions older that the previous major version are considered deprecated.

How will this affect you?
Always use the latest version of GoodData.UI. When a new version is released, upgrade to this version. If you stay at an older version, you and users of your GoodData.UI-powered apps may experience various API incompatibilities, performance or security issues.

For the full information about the GoodData.UI deprecation policy, see GoodData.UI Versions Older than the Previous Major Version.


LAST REMINDER: Upgrade GoodData Java SDK to Version 2.33.0+api1 or Higher

GoodData Java SDK versions 2.32.0+api1 and older are deprecated and will stop working on March 30, 2020.

Before March 30, 2020, check the version of GoodData Java SDK in the configuration of your application.

  • In Gradle (the command syntax may vary depending on the version you use):
      dependencies {
         compile group: 'com.gooddata', 'name': 'gdc-gooddata-java', 'version': '2.32.0+api1'

  • In Apache Maven (the command syntax may vary depending on the version you use):

If you are using versions 2.32.0+api1 and older, update the dependency of your Java solution to use at least version 2.33.0+api1, or ideally the newest version as mentioned in the GoodData Java SDK Release Notes.

What will happen if you do not update to the newer version?
The login function will stop working. The library will not be able to log in to the GoodData platform and perform any requests.

Learn more:


REMINDER: Whitelist New IP Addresses Used for Data Loading

We deprecated the IP addresses that are currently used for loading data to your GoodData projects. These IP addresses will be in use until May 16, 2020.

We have set up a new range of IP addresses, and we will switch to using these new IP addresses on May 16, 2020. To prepare for this change, please make sure that you have whitelisted these IP addresses.

Here is how you can do this:

  1. Find out what datacenter holds your data.
  2. Check this article, and make sure that all the IP addresses listed for your datacenter (both deprecated and new ones) are whitelisted and allowed on the level of your data source.
    This will make your data sources accessible for the GoodData platform after we switch to the new IP addresses.

Do not delete the deprecated IP addresses from your whitelist yet. They will be used for data loading until May 16, 2020.
On May 16, 2020, we will switch to the newly introduced IP addresses. After that, you can (but do not have to) delete the deprecated IP addresses from your whitelist.

What will happen if you do not whitelist the new IP addresses?
If you rely on IP whitelisting, the new IP addresses that we will start using on May 16, 2020, may be blocked on the side of your data sources unless you explicitly whitelist them. As a result, no new data will be fetched from your data sources and loaded to your GoodData projects.


REMINDER: Update the GoodData Public PGP Key in Your PGP SSO Implementation

For customers using the GoodData PGP SSO login implementation

The existing GoodData public PGP key that you use to encrypt your PGP login requests is going to expire on May 20, 2020.
We have generated a new public PGP key that you can start using immediately instead of the expiring one.

Download the new public PGP key and update the key on your side. We recommend that you do so as soon as possible.
You can also download the new PGP key from our online help here (go to Step 3) or here (go to Step 3).

What will happen if you do not update the key?
The old key will be working until May 20, 2020. After that date, if you do not update the key on your side, you will not be able to log in to the GoodData platform via SSO.

Learn more:
GoodData PGP Single Sign-On
How to Generate a Public-Private Key Pair


REMINDER: Use TLS Version 1.2 or Higher Only

Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.0 and 1.1 is deprecated and will end on August 13, 2020.

How will this affect you?
All modern web browsers and programming languages already support the newer versions of TLS (1.2 and higher). Unless you use obsolete software or unsupported systems, you are not affected.

You may be affected if you are using an older version of the libraries or programming languages in your tools. To verify, check the documentation for your tool:

Before August 13, 2020, make sure that all your components and integrations use TLS version 1.2 or higher.

What will happen if you do not upgrade to the newer versions?
Support for TLS version 1.0 and 1.1 will end on August 13, 2020. After that date, if you do not switch to a newer version of TLS, the integration with the GoodData platform will stop working.

Learn more:

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