January 16, 2020

Release Overview:


Disable the Reports and Dashboards Sections on the GoodData Portal

For GoodData Enterprise customers only

You can now disable the Reports and Dashboards sections of the Pixel-perfect user interface. The links to those sections will be hidden from the top header.


You may decide to do so if you do not want your users to access those sections or if your users simply do not use them (for example, they use only the Responsive user interface, so hiding those two labels will save some space and make the top header less busy).

To disable the Reports and Dashboards sections, use the new platform setting that we introduced in this release, hidePixelPerfectExperience. Set this platform setting to true for a specific project or the whole domain.

Learn more:
Configure Various Features via Platform Settings


REMINDER: Whitelist New IP Addresses Used for Data Loading

We deprecated the IP addresses that are currently used for loading data to your GoodData projects. These IP addresses will be in use until May 16, 2020.

We have set up a new range of IP addresses, and we will switch to using these new IP addresses on May 16, 2020. To prepare for this change, please make sure that you have whitelisted these IP addresses.

Here is how you can do this:

  1. Find out what datacenter holds your data.
  2. Check this article, and make sure that all the IP addresses listed for your datacenter (both deprecated and new ones) are whitelisted and allowed on the level of your data source.
    This will make your data sources accessible for the GoodData platform after we switch to the new IP addresses.

Do not delete the deprecated IP addresses from your whitelist yet. They will be used for data loading until May 16, 2020.
On May 16, 2020, we will switch to the newly introduced IP addresses. After that, you can (but do not have to) delete the deprecated IP addresses from your whitelist.

What will happen if you do not whitelist the new IP addresses?
If you rely on IP whitelisting, the new IP addresses that we will start using on May 16, 2020, may be blocked on the side of your data sources unless you explicitly whitelist them. As a result, no new data will be fetched from your data sources and loaded to your GoodData projects.


REMINDER: Update the GoodData Public PGP Key in Your PGP SSO Implementation

For customers using the GoodData PGP SSO login implementation

The existing GoodData public PGP key that you use to encrypt your PGP login requests is going to expire on May 20, 2020.
We have generated a new public PGP key that you can start using immediately instead of the expiring one.

Download the new public PGP key and update the key on your side. We recommend that you do so as soon as possible.
You can also download the new PGP key from our online help here (go to Step 3) or here (go to Step 3).

What will happen if you do not update the key?
The old key will be working until May 20, 2020. After that date, if you do not update the key on your side, you will not be able to log in to the GoodData platform via SSO.

Learn more:
GoodData PGP Single Sign-On
How to Generate a Public-Private Key Pair

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