July 25, 2019

Direct Data Distribution from the Amazon Redshift Data Warehouse

Automated Data Distribution can now load data directly from your Amazon Redshift cloud data warehouse into one or multiple GoodData projects. With the provided tooling, you can simply connect GoodData to your Amazon Redshift instance, prepare tables and views that you want to use for reporting, generate a logical data model in your workspace, and configure data load and distribution frequency.

That's it! Starting today, you can use your Amazon Redshift data and accelerate analytics for all your users.

Learn more:
Direct Data Distribution from Data Warehouses
Setting up Direct Data Distribution from Data Warehouses


GoodData.UI Version 7.1 Available: Applied Filters in XLSX Export and Deprecation of config:stacking

We have released Version 7.1 of GoodData.UI, our powerful library for building analytical applications powered by GoodData.

What's new in GoodData.UI Version 7.1

  • Applied filters included in exported XLSX files
    When exporting a visualization to XLSX, you can now include the applied filters in the exported file. For more information, see the includeFilterContext property in OnExportReady.
  • The config:stacking property deprecated
    The config:stacking property has been deprecated. It will still continue working in the existing visualizations until further announcement. We will post a separate announcement to let you know when this happens.
    Action required: Check your visualizations built on the Area Chart component, and replace the config:stacking property with config:stackMeasures. For more information, see Chart Config -> Configure stacking.
    Please do so as soon as possible.


Data Sources Migrated to the New API Structure

As we announced earlier, we updated the structure that the REST API uses for Data Sources.

All Data Sources that were created before July 11, 2019, are now migrated to the new structure. The old structure is deprecated and no longer supported. You can find all the details about the old and the new structure in the previous Release Notes.

Learn more:
API: List or create Data Sources
API: Manage a Data Source
Setting up Direct Data Distribution from Data Warehouses


Add or Edit Data Sources Directly in Data Integration Console

You can now create new Data Sources or edit existing ones directly from the Data Integration Console, when deploying a process for Automated Data Distribution to the GoodData platform.


Data Sources describe how the GoodData platform connects to cloud data warehouses (Snowflake or Redshift).

Learn more:
Direct Data Distribution from Data Warehouses
Deploy a Process with the Data Integration Console


Data Warehouse Upgrade to Vertica 9.2.1: First Phase Completed

We have completed the first phase of upgrading the Vertica software on our Data Warehouse to Version 9.2.1.
Completing the upgrade will take a few weeks.

We will be posting more announcements to let you know the upgrade status.


REMINDER: Deprecation and Upcoming End-of-life: JDBC Driver Version 3.0.2 through 3.1.2

The JDBC driver version 3.0.2 through 3.1.2 is deprecated and will stop working on October 31, 2019.

How will this affect you?
If you are using version 3.0.2 through 3.1.2 of the JDBC driver, it will stop working on October 31, 2019. You will receive the following error message:

You are using an unsupported version of the JDBC driver. Download and install the latest version of the driver itself or CloudConnect from https://secure.gooddata.com/downloads.html.

Before October 31, 2019, check the version of your JDBC driver.
If your version is 3.0.2 through 3.1.2, upgrade to the latest version, 3.3.0:

  • If you are using the driver directly, download and install the latest version of the driver from the Downloads page at https://secure.gooddata.com/downloads.html. If you are a white-labeled customer, log in to the Downloads page from your white-labeled domain: https://my.domain.com/downloads.html.
  • If you are using the driver via CloudConnect, upgrade your CloudConnect to the latest version: from the menu bar, click Help -> Check for Updates.

Learn more:

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