November 1, 2018

GoodData.UI Version 6.0.0 Available: Pivot Table, React 16, and Others

We have released Version 6.0.0 of GoodData.UI, our powerful library for building analytical applications powered by GoodData.

What's new in GoodData.UI Version 6.0.0?

  • Pivot Table component added
    In contrast to the standard (flat) table, the pivot table allows you to break measures into columns by setting attributes in the columns prop. You can use the Pivot Table component to create both pivot and standard tables. For more information, see Pivot Table.
    Action needed: Use the Pivot Table component for creating both pivot and flat tables.

  • Support for React 16 added; React 15 deprecated
    Gooddata.UI now supports React 16. Support for React 15 has been dropped.
    Action needed: Update your application to use React 16 to avoid a package duplicity issue and other potential issues. In addition, update all your packages with the React dependency, such as 'react-dom', 'react-router', and others.

  • AFM components deprecated
    The AFM components have been deprecated and will be removed by the end of September 2019.
    Action needed: For new insights, use the corresponding visual components listed under 'Visual Components' (for example, Area Chart, Bar Chart, Column Chart, and so on). If you have any insights based on the AFM components, re-create them using the corresponding visual components.

  • Heatmap properties renamed, Area Chart properties changed
    In the Heatmap component, the segmentBy and trendBy properties have been renamed. In the Area Chart component, the type of the stackBy and viewBy properties has been changed.
    Action needed: Review the Migration Guide, and update the corresponding properties in your application. For additional information, see Heatmap and Area Chart.

  • More options in ChartConfig available
    When configuring an insight's options via Chart Config, you can now change a separator in the number format, configure the axes and data labels, and set colors in the hexadecimal format (#ff0000) in addition to RGB values (rgb(255, 0, 0)).

  • GoodData.UI license updated
    GoodData.UI is now dual-licensed. This allows us to better integrate third-party libraries. You can review the updated license here.


Monday as First Day of Week in Date Filters

Only for the dashboards available via the 'Dashboards' option in the top menu

By default, the calendar in a date filter displays Sunday as the first day of the week. Now, you can change it to Monday.

Sun.png  <==>  Mon.png

How can you do this?
To set the first day of the week to Monday, set the platform setting weekStartOnMondayEnabled to true. For more information about the platform settings, see Platform Settings.

NOTE: This setting does not affect the date filters in Analytical Designer or KPI Dashboards.


Data Warehouse Upgrade to Vertica 9.1.1 Started

As we have announced earlier, we have started upgrading the Vertica software on our Data Warehouse to Version 9.1.1.
Completing the upgrade will take a few weeks.

We will be posting more announcements to let you know the upgrade status.


COPY FROM S3 Temporarily Not Working

In Version 9.1.1, Vertica has changed the way how the COPY FROM S3 command works and handles credentials for S3 buckets. COPY FROM S3 is not working while the upgrade to Version 9.1.1 is in progress (see the article above).

When the upgrade is complete, COPY FROM S3 will be operational again, but the way of providing the credentials will change:

  • Before, you had to set the credentials via the REST API.
  • With Vertica Version 9.1.1 in place, you will provide the credentials directly in SQL commands.

The API resource for setting the credentials ({instance_id}/s3) has been removed.

How does it affect you?

  • If you do not use COPY FROM S3, your work is not affected. There are no action needed.
  • If you need to use COPY FROM S3, copy files from the S3 bucket to a local client, and use COPY FROM LOCAL instead.
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