April 7, 2018

Export to XLSX with Unmerged Cells

When exporting your reports to XLSX, you can now select if you want to export data with merged or unmerged cells. You can then easily analyze your data in a spreadsheet.

Learn more:
Export Reports


Metadata Localization

Metadata Localization allows you to define texts for metadata objects in your required language. Through a simple process you can download, edit and upload metadata files in xliff format. Clients can then switch between languages via Account settings.

Metadata Localization is supported for the following languages: Japanese, German, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Spanish, and French.

Learn more:
Metadata Localization


Mandatory User-Agent Header of API Requests

Starting from April 7, 2018, the GoodData REST API requires every API request to contain the User-Agent header. Any API request without the User-Agent header made after April 7, 2018, is rejected.

What is the purpose of the header?
The User-Agent header helps us identify users of our API and what they use the API for.

What is the header format?
We recommend that you set the User-Agent header in one of the following formats:

  • {product}-{task}/{version} ({your_email@example.com})
  • {company}-{task}/{version}

-- {product} is the product in whose context you use the API (it can be your company's product that you are responsible for).
-- {task} is the business domain in which you use the API (for example, managing users, configuring white-label properties, or creating projects).
-- {company} is your company name.
-- {version} is the version of your API integration. If you are not sure what version to include, set it to 1.0.
-- {your_email@example.com} is your email or the email of the contact person responsible for the product in your company.

Do not use spaces or slashes ( / ) in the User-Agent header apart from those that are already specified by the format.

How can you construct the User-Agent header?
Use the following examples to understand how to set the header:

  • John Roe works in a company called 'Acme Corporation', on a product called 'Insight'. He uses the GoodData API to orchestrate ETL graphs across projects in his department. Here is how John can set the User-Agent header:
    Insight/1.0 (john.roe@acme.com)
  • Jane Doe works in a company called 'Initech'. She uses the GoodData API to perform general administrative tasks across multiple products. Here is how Jane can set the User-Agent header:

Action needed!
If you use a tool for handling API calls or a custom library for integrating with the GoodData REST API, update them to include the User-Agent header in every API request.

TIP: Set up one User-Agent header per tool/custom library and per task. For example, if you are using one tool to perform many administrative tasks, use a general header of AdminTools. However, if you are using a few tools or libraries or if you are performing tasks from different business areas (for instance, managing access to dashboards and adding users to a Data Warehouse instance), set up headers for each tool or for each task separately.

Are CloudConnect users affected?
No. If you call the API from CloudConnect (for example, REST Connector or HTTP Connector), you do not have to specify the User-Agent header. CloudConnect provides a default User-Agent header for all API calls that these components make.

If you have any question, please contact GoodData Support.


Community Forums on GoodData Support Closed

We have closed the developer community forums on the GoodData Support website.

However, the GoodData developer community on Stack Overflow is still open and becomes our primary community resource. From now on, if you have a development-related request or a query, submit a question on Stack Overflow and tag it with 'gooddata'.

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