Work with Your Data using Your Own Ruby Scripts
You can now use your own Ruby scripts to work with the data (upload data, work the model and objects, manage users, and so on) in your GoodData project. You can deploy the scripts from the Data Integration Console or via API.
The scripts have to be placed in the GoodData repositories. To have your script uploaded to the repositories, do the following:
- Prepare a Ruby script together with Gemfile, Gemfile.lock, and info.json. If you need help with creating these files, contact GoodData Support.
- Contact GoodData Support with a request to commit your files to the GoodData repositories.
GoodData Support will have your files verified and will send you the path to them in the GoodData repositories.
Note: The verification service may be subject to a charge. With questions, please contact GoodData Support.
Learn more:
Deploy a Process with the Data Integration Console
API: Deploy a Ruby process with bundled dependencies
Embed Analytical Designer
The GoodData platform now enables you to embed Analytical Designer into your product (in the same manner as embedding dashboards).
Learn more:
Embedding Analytical Designer in Your Product
Reminder: Upcoming Change of SST Length
To enhance platform security, we are planning to increase the length of SuperSecured Token (SST) that you obtain and use when logging in to the GoodData platform via API.
How will this affect you?
Make sure that you parse the whole value of SST (without considering how long it is).
Always take the whole SST value from the header of the API call response, or from the cookies string.
When this change happens, we will post a separate announcement.
Learn more:
API: Log in