June 18, 2016

ADS JDBC Driver 2.7.2 Available!

We have released version 2.7.2 of the ADS JDBC driver. Download it from the GoodData Developer portal.

What's new in this release?
The ADS JDBC driver license and the third-party licenses have been updated.

Learn more:
Download the JDBC Driver


Size of Uploaded File Increased

We have increased the maximum size of a file (raw or compressed) that you can upload to ADS in one run. The maximum file size is now 50 GB.

Learn more:
Platform Limits (log in to the Support Portal to see this article)


API: Paging for Attribute Label Values Enhanced

We have enhanced the paging mechanism for the API call that returns a list of all values belonging to a specific attribute label.

The call response now contains the paging node:

            "attributeElements" : {
                "elements" : [ {
                    "title" : "{value1}",
                    "uri" : "/gdc/md/{project_id}/obj/{attribute_id}/elements?id={value1_id}"
                }, {
                    "title" : "{value2}",
                    "uri" : "/gdc/md/{project_id}/obj/{attribute_id}/elements?id={value2_id}"
                } ],
                "elementsMeta" : {
                    "attribute" : "/gdc/md/{project_id}/obj/{attribute_id}",
                    "attributeDisplayForm" : "/gdc/md/{project_id}/obj/{label_id}",
                    "count" : {number_of_returned_records},
                    "order" : "asc",
                    "filter" : "",
                    "mode" : "includeuris",
                    "prompt" : "",
                    "records" : "{total_number_of_records}",
                    "offset" : "0"
                "paging" : {
                    "offset" : {first_record_offset},
                    "count" : {number_of_returned_records},
                    "total" : {total_number_of_records},
                    "next" : "/gdc/md/{project_id}/obj/{label_id}/elements"

Learn more:
API: Get a list of values for an attribute label

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