June 2, 2016

API: Maximum Number of Element Changed

As we announced earlier, for API call responses, we have changed the maximum number of returned elements that can be displayed on a page. It is now set to 10.000.

What is this change applied to?
When you use API to get all the elements belonging to a certain attribute (for example, you want to see all the individual cities belonging to the city attribute), the API call returns these elements as a list. If the list contains too many elements, it is broken down into pages, through which you can navigate.

How does this affect you?
If you use a tool for handling API calls where the number of the returned elements is set to 0 or to a value greater than 10.000, this value is ignored, and the maximum of 10.000 elements per page is returned. If the number of the returned elements is not set, it defaults to 10.000.


Reminder: End-of-support of TLS 1.0 by Salesforce

For CloudConnect users

Salesforce announced that they would begin disabling the TLS 1.0 encryption protocol starting in June 2016.

How can you get ready?
If you use the SF Reader in CloudConnect, make sure that you are using version 110 or newer. Version 110 is the first version of CloudConnect that addresses the upcoming disablement of TLS 1.0.
If you are using an older version, upgrade your CloudConnect to the latest available version.
Versions of CloudConnect older than 110 still use TLS 1.0 and will stop working after Salesforce completes the disablement.


API: Upcoming Enhancement of Paging for Attribute Label Values

For the API call that returns a list of all values belonging to a specific attribute label, we are planning to enhance the paging mechanism.
When this change happens, we will post a separate announcement with all the details.

Your current processes will not be affected.

Learn more:
API: Get a list of values for an attribute label

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