Release Notes archive - 2014 Q4

December 20, 2014

This week's release contains various enhancements and bug fixes to the platform and GoodData Portal. Happy Holidays!

December 13, 2014

This week's release contains various enhancements and bug fixes to the platform and GoodData Portal. Check back next week for the latest updates!

December 6, 2014

Simplify embedding dashboards with default identifiers per user

Powered By GoodData customers can now embed a single dashboard for each user using a simplified method. As part of the user provisioning process, you specify default project, dashboard, and tab identifiers for each user. From your application, you then reference a consistent embed url for all such users:

NOTE: The existing method of embedding dashboards via full URL is still supported. Values for project, dashboard, and tab that are specified in the full embedded URL override a user’s defaults.

These defaults are stored as part of the user’s profile and can be modified by the organization admin.

Clarification on Floating Time Period Macros in MAQL

Previously, MAQL expressions using the floating time period macros THIS, NEXT, or PREVIOUS could return empty data for valid expressions.

Suppose your MAQL statement referenced the Quarter attribute, and the current quarter was Q4. The MAQL expression below would return empty data because the computed value (Q5) does not exist:

SELECT SUM(Net Revenue) WHERE Quarter = THIS + 1

This bug has been fixed. The above expression now returns data filtered by Q1, and other date attributes, such as Day of Week (Date), roll over as expected.

Reports with Computed Attributes that Contain Filters Now Correctly Filter the Computed Attribute’s Metrics

Previously, if a report with a computed attribute contained a filter, the filter did not apply to the computed attribute’s metric, which sometimes resulted in incorrect bucket values. This has been fixed. Computed attribute filters now filter a computed attribute’s internal metric, and values appear in the correct buckets.

NOTE: This feature is currently in Beta.

Tip: If you do not want a computed attribute’s filter to apply to its metric, add WITHOUT PARENT to the metric syntax for the computed attribute.

November 29, 2014

No platform release this week. Check back next week for new features and updates!

November 22, 2014

This week's release contains various enhancements and bug fixes to the platform and GoodData Portal. Check back next week for the latest updates!

November 15, 2014

No platform release this week. Check back next week for new features and updates!

November 8, 2014

SSLv3 security protocol disabled in the platform

To fully resolve the POODLE vulnerability, SSLv3 has been completely disabled in the GoodData platform. All users must update to a supported browser version that supports a newer protocol than SSLv3, or they will be unable to access the platform.

Changes to ADS URI Namespace

To comply with GoodData feature names, the URI namespaces for ADS has changed.

NOTE: The legacy naming conventions are still supported. However, in the future, they may be deprecated. You should update your configuration settings and scripts to reflect this change.

DescriptionOld NamespaceNew Namespace
ADS Namespace /gdc/dss /gdc/datawarehouse
JDBC driver URL prefix jdbc:dss jdbc:gdc:datawarehouse

DSS is the former name of the Agile Data Warehousing Service.

Saturday November 1, 2014

No platform release this week due to holiday. Check back next week!

Saturday October 25, 2014

Quickly Visualize Future Trends with the New FORECAST Function

You can now quickly visualize future trends use the new FORECAST function. FORECAST enables you to extend a report’s trend line into the future. For example, you could use a trend line to predict future sales based on historical data.

NOTE:Previously, trendline functionality in the Portal was limited to line charts and was a visual overlay only. The new FORECAST function generates usable data for future periods.


For more information about using the FORECAST function, see FORECAST.

Improvements to Sharing Scheduled Emails via API

We’ve made the following improvements to sharing scheduled emails when you use the GoodData APIs to copy a project or partial project metadata:

  • When you export and import partial metadata, you can now include scheduled emails. This enables you to share scheduled emails between projects as needed.
  • When you export a complete GoodData project, scheduled emails are now included by default and are active when you import them to the new project (so they continue generating emails as scheduled). You can exclude scheduled emails from export with the new excludeSchedules key.

NOTE:When you import project metadata, all imported scheduled emails are enabled by default, and continue generating emails. Previously, scheduled emails were disabled by default.

For more information, see the API documentation on projects and metadata.

Saturday October 18, 2014

The GoodData platform has been updated to address the POODLE vulnerability, as identified by Google on October 14 this week (Security Notice CVE 2014 3556).

NOTE: If you are using a legacy browser version that is not supported by GoodData, you may remain exposed to the POODLE vulnerability, even after the platform patch has been applied. You are strongly encouraged to upgrade your browser to a version that is supported by GoodData. For a list of browsers and versions supported by GoodData, see System Requirements.

Saturday October 11, 2014

This week's release contains various enhancements and bug fixes to the platform and GoodData Portal. Check back next week for the latest updates!

Saturday October 4, 2014

Dashboard filters can be saved

The Saved View feature lets you save frequently-used dashboard filter settings as a named dashboard view. Your saved views are available from the Views drop down menu on the upper right of the dashboard, and your currently-selected view is remembered across dashboards, dashboard tabs, and logouts of the Portal.

This feature is especially convenient for users who need to switch frequently between multiple filter settings. For example, you can select different cities in your City filter and save each selection as a separate view with a unique name.

To enable the feature, go to Edit > Actions > Settings > Saved Views. When enabled, the Views menu displays the user’s current view.


  • Saved views are bound to a single dashboard. You cannot share views with other dashboards.
  • Saved views are user-specific. You cannot share views with other users.
  • Saved Views are deleted if the dashboard with which they are associated is deleted. For example, this can happen if an administrator deletes a dashboard in a project or replaces the current version of a project with a new version.

For more information on the general feature, see

For documentation, see

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