Thanks for checking in to see what’s new for Release 100! Check back in next week for several additional updates you won't want to miss!
In conjunction with Microsoft’s stated End of Life timeline, GoodData will no longer support Internet Explorer 8 as of April 8, 2014. Customers are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer and to remain current with the latest release in the future. See
New updates since release 100:
Release 100.1
Thursday, March 27, 2014Release 100.2
Thursday, April 3, 2014Release 100.3
Thursday, April 10, 2014Release 100.4
Thursday, April 17, 2014Release 100.5
Thursday, April 24, 2014What's New: Release 100
Introducing GoodData Help
GoodData Help documentation is now available in online format. Through a single interface, users and developers can find answers to their most pressing questions and explore the documentation for individual features. Use segmented search to pinpoint answers.
NOTE: GoodData Help is updated on a regular basis. Please bookmark the following location and check in frequently.
- Please visit GoodData Help.
GoodData Predictive Statistical Package
GoodData’s MAQL Predictive Package includes powerful functions that allow users to create complex, re-usable expressions with ease. These include:
- MAQL CORREL function
- MAQL COVAR function
- MAQL MEDIAN function
- MAQL Percentiles function
- MAQL RSQ function
- MAQL STDEV functions
- MAQL VAR function
MAQL is context-aware. A metric used in multiple reports will inherit the associated attributes and filters, greatly reducing complexity and effort. For examples of how to leverage the Predictive Statistical Package in your GoodData projects, refer to the following articles:
- Geometric Mean and Product Aggregate Function
- Normality Testing: Skewness and Kurtosis
- MAQL for Statistical Functions- Covariance, Correlation and R-Squared
- CORREL - Time Series Analysis: Lagged Correlation and R-Squared
Introducing the GoodData Ruby SDK
The GoodData Ruby SDK enables developers to leverage their preferred Ruby tools to build and deploy into the GoodData platform. This wrapper to the GoodData APIs supports all key platform functionality.
- The Ruby SDK is available through a GitHub repository.
- To get started, please visit
Centralized Infrastructure
GoodData organizations and projects are now hosted in a single cloud-based infrastructure. All content is now accessible through the following domain:
Users who have been accessing content via the following URL may continue to do so, as well:
NOTE: As part of this change, the GoodData Private Cloud Deployment Guide is no longer necessary and has been deprecated.
What's New: Release 100.1
Filters can now remember selected values
GoodData dashboards now remember the dashboard filters that you have selected. This feature can be toggled off/on in a dashboard's Settings dialog.
- This feature can be applied to any attribute, variable, or date filter on a dashboard.
- For more information, see the GoodData Reference Guide.
What's New: Release 100.2
Dynamic frame height event for embedded dashboard tabs
When GoodData is embedded in a third-party application, the GoodData Portal now delivers a new event to enable the parent application to dynamically change the frame height of the embedded dashboard, which is useful for limiting the display of scrollbars and unnecessary whitespace.
- For more information, see
Display labels for dashboard filters inherit attribute names
The display name of the dashboard filter inherits the name of the attribute that is used to populate the filter. Now, if the name of the attribute changes, the name of the dashboard filter also changes.
- For more information, see the GoodData Reference Guide.
GoodData Help now accessible from CloudConnect Designer
Beginning in Release 100.2, CloudConnect Designer users can access GoodData Help from the CloudConnect Designer application.
What's New: Release 100.3
This Release features various fixes and improvements to the GoodData platform and its applications, including the infrastructure to support the release of several new features in the coming weeks.
What's New: Release 100.4
Coming in next week's release! The GoodData Portal will enable project Administrators to lock permissions to edit dashboards, reports, and metrics for Editors. For details, see Feature - Permission to Edit Project Objects.
Calendar Day Filters in dashboards
Editors can now configure a dashboard date filter to become a picker for a single date. Users of the Calendar Day Filters are able to select a single date only for display in the dashboard.
- Editors may configure the default date to be Today or any date relative to Today. For example, the default date can be 2 days ago or 10 days in the future.

Figure: Click “single day” to configure the Calendar Day Filter
For dashboard users, a Calendar Day Filter looks like the following. This feature enhances snapshotting of dashboards for daily delivery to stakeholders.

Figure: Calendar Day Filter enables users to select a single date to apply as a dashboard filter
- For more information, see GoodData Reference Guide.
Date pickers now reflect project time zone
Recently, GoodData introduced the capability of configuring the time zone for individual projects. Beginning with this release, dates in date pickers reflect the project time zone.
NOTE: Reports have and will continue to be executed using the project time zone..

Figure: Project time zone notification in a dashboard filter

Figure: Project time zone notification in a report filter
- For more information on the project time zone feature, see
Custom headers and footers in PDF reports
Developers may now define custom headers and footers for exported PDF reports and dashboards using the GoodData APIs. Insert custom text for the left, center, and right areas of headers and footers, or apply the available macros to insert project, report, and date parameters into your custom header or footer.
- Custom headers and footers for PDF reports and dashboards are applied to individual projects. You must be an project Administrator to make these changes.
- For more information, see
What's New: Release 100.5
Permission to Edit Project Objects
Beginning in this release, project Administrators can lock for editing for Editors to edit individual dashboard, reports, and metrics, which is useful in preventing unwanted changes in production environments.
- For details on this feature, see Feature - Permission to Edit Project Objects.
- For more information, see GoodData Reference Guide.
Trendlines in line charts
To your line charts, you can now add trendlines to show tendency and projection. Trendlines can be used to illustrate the trending values for linear regression, maximum, minimum, average, and median functions on a series of data.

Figure: Trendlines configuration
In the Advanced Configuration section of the report Configuration panel, you may add trendlines for each series of data in the chart. Trendlines appear as dashed, slightly fainter lines of the same color as the series line and are noted in the chart legend.
NOTE:In Internet Explorer 9 and 10, trendlines are displayed as solid lines.
NOTE:Trendlines are available only for line charts. If you switch the chart to another type and then switch it back to a line chart, the trendline is not remembered.
- For more information, see
Embedding a dashboard with custom navigation and UI controls
Using newly available parameters and methods for an embedded dashboard, you can embed a dashboard without tab navigation or print or edit icons. Now, you may create your own custom navigation and print and edit buttons and call the methods of the dashboard to perform the print and edit action and switch tabs.
CloudConnect Designer issues error message when process execution times out
To prevent excessive consumption of platform resources, CloudConnect processes time out after five hours of execution.
Previously, this timeout was performed silently, which was confusing for customers. With this release, CloudConnect Designer issues an error message.
CloudConnect LDM Modeler now supports defining a display and sorting label for attributes
When configuring an attribute in the LDM Modeler, you may now specify separate labels to use for display and for sorting.

Figure: Selecting display and sort labels of an attribute
- Display by: This label is as the default when an attribute is used in a report. Users may explicitly select a different label in the report.
- Sort by: Values for the attribute are sorted according to this label, based on the selected ordering method.
For more information, see CloudConnect LDM Modeler Guide.
CloudConnect LDM Modeler displays all references per dataset
In the LDM Modeler, references that are external to the dataset are now separate in the dataset display by a horizontal bar, which is patterned after how they have been displayed under the Referenced by panel in the Details sidebar.
- Previously, these columns were not listed in the dataset graphical object, which caused some confusion.

Figure: Foreign key references in target datasets of a relation
- References that are not connection points are identified by a blue key (
) icon, and date columns are listed, as well.
- Connection points (
) are listed as the first item in the dataset for easy identification.
- For more information, see CloudConnect LDM Modeler Guide.
Table cell text may wrap when cell spans multiple rows
When a table cell spans multiple rows, the text is wrapped automatically across multiple rows for some reports.
NOTE: Cell text wrapping occurs only if the cell spans multiple rows and the column to the right of the cell contains another attribute. In this second column are multiple values for each value in the first column.

Figure: Example table cell text wrapping
What's New: Release 100.6
This release contains numerous fixes and improvements to the underlying platform. Customer-visible features and updates have been rolled into Release 100.7.
What's New: Release 100.7
New menu bar for GoodData Portal
The GoodData Portal now features a new menu bar.
NOTE: This menu bar applies to non-whitelabeled domains only. Whitelabled customers are not affected at this time. Whitelabeled customers will be provided advance notice and a demo environment to review this feature.

Figure: New GoodData Portal menu bar
Key features:
- Projects menu is on the left side of the screen. Begin typing in the Search bar to help locate your desired project.
- The Support menu is now the Help menu.
- Documentation is now directly accessible from the Help menu. Select Documentation to begin exploring GoodData Help, a searchable, browsable destination for Portal and platform documentation.
Report export to MS-Office Excel 2007 and later (XLSX)
Dashboards and reports can now be exported to Excel 2007 and later format (*.XLSX).
NOTE: In conjunction with Microsoft's End of Life policy, GoodData will deprecate support for Excel 2003 (XLS) report export later this year. Issues that users may have experienced in XLS report export have been addressed in the new report export for XLSX. Microsoft does provide a plugin for Excel 2007 to read and write XLSX files. For more information on Excel 2003 support, see

Figure: Report exports
Other Recent Updates
Since the last major release several new features have been added to the platform:
- Redesign of login and authentication pages. New login and authentication pages
- New Demo Project Available in the Platform. A new demo project can be accessed from the GoodData Portal.
- Introducing Interactive Data Explorers. The Scatter Explorer, the first one, enables users to perform narrower analyses on data sets in a displayed chart.
For more information, see Release 99 Notes.
What's New: Release 100.8
Ownership of schedules for redeployed processes are assigned to the user who deployed them
When a process is redeployed from CloudConnect Designer, the Data Loading Administration Console, or the gray pages, ownership of the schedules associated with the process is updated to be the user who performed the redeployment. Depending on your environment, this change may have impacts on your deployment methods.
- If the schedule is updated by another project administrator, the ownership of the schedule is not changed.
- This change patches a potential security issue in ETL process execution. For more information on this and other recent security enhancements, see
Introducing Interactive Reports
Beginning in Release 100.8, you can insert Interactive reports, a new kind of data discovery widget, into your dashboards. Interactive reports enable users to interact with a bar, line, or area chart by selecting chart values to display underlying data in a table beneath the chart. You may break down underlying data further by adding attributes to your table to identify patterns you hadn't previously considered.
Configuration benefits:
- Create and configure interactive reports directly from the dashboard
- Save time by configuring interactive reports with built-in drilling functionality
Data analysis benefits:
- "Drill" into multiple chart values simultaneously by selecting multiple data points at once – tabular data updates instantly in a linked table beneath
- Enjoy the benefits of drilling without leaving the existing view of your data. With interactive reports, drilling data appears in a table adjacent to the original chart.
NOTE: This feature is currently a beta release. Currently, Interactive reports support inclusion of one metric and one attribute into one of the supported chart types. New capabilities will be added soon.

Figure: Example Interactive report
- For more information on this feature, see
- For feature documentation, see Interactive Report Widgets.
Data Loading Administration supports batch data loading
You can now configure your scheduled processes in the Data Loading Administration console to batch load a series of data files. If you have specified your multi-load manifest file and deployed multiple files to the GoodData platform, you can configure a parameter in the schedule to enable batch loading when the process executes.
NOTE: In the Data Loading Administration console, batch loading can be applied to any supported data type, including CSV, Facebook, and other enterprise data feeds.
NOTE: You may also use the GoodData APIs to batch load a series of data files.
- For more information on the general multiload process, see
- For more information on configuring your process schedule, see
JMS and Hadoop components no longer available in CloudConnect Designer
Due to security issues, the following components have been removed from CloudConnect Designer:
- JMSReader
- JMSWriter
- JMS Connection
- Hadoop Reader
- Hadoop Connection
NOTE: Documentation for these items may be available for a short period of time due to caching. The objects are no longer available in the software.
For more information, see
On the Horizon
GoodData is committed to rolling out new, innovative features. Here's what we've been hard at work on:
- For more information, see Upcoming Features.
Thanks for reading up on the latest updates to the GoodData platform. Check back soon for new features to be unveiled in the weeks ahead!