Release 95 Notes: Saturday, October 12, 2013

Thanks for checking in to see what’s new for Release 95. This release, we bring you a new MAQL function, sorting in stacked bar and stacked area charts, and Geo chart pushpins, among other updates. Read on for the details!

New updates since release 95:

Release 95.1

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Release 95.2

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Release 95.3

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Release 95.3

Thursday, November X, 2013

Release 95.4

Thursday, November X, 2013

What's New: Release 95

New median function in MAQL

The new MEDIAN( ) function is the latest of a stream of MAQL extensions that have followed the release of GoodData's Extensible Analytics Engine (XAE). The median function is especially useful in cases where a small set of outliers could drastically skew the average if calculated as a mean.

MEDIAN( ) can be used to aggregate facts in the same way as SUM( ), MAX( ), MIN( ), or AVG( ), but it also accepts metrics or entire metric expressions as arguments using the following syntax:

  • MEDIAN(fact)
  • MEDIAN(metric)
  • MEDIAN(metric_expression)

The median is the middle value of a set of data, such that half of the values are smaller and half of the values are larger. For sets with an even number of values, the median is calculated by finding the mean of the middle two values. 


  • SELECT MEDIAN((SELECT Date(Closed) - Date(Opened) BY Ticket_ID))
  • SELECT MEDIAN(Payment) BY Customer FOR PREVIOUS(Month)

New "Unable to Load Dashboard" page upon SSO failure

In the event that there is an error while a SSO-enabled user is attempting to view a GoodData dashboard, users will see the following message: “Unable to load dashboard: try again later or contact your administrator.”

New page for SSO errors

Embedded GoodData dashboards in Salesforce may display the Unable to Load Dashboard screen to non single sign on (SSO) users, depending on how the dashboard was embedded. To allow non SSO users to access embedded GoodData dashboards in Salesforce, you can re-embed your GoodData dashboard following the non-SSO steps in our related article.

For more information on GoodData’s SSO offerings, see our Single Sign-On article. Or for an overview on configuring Okta SSO, see our tutorial Setting Up Okta Single Sign-On.

Sorting now supported in stacked area and stacked bar charts

You can now sort chart values in stacked area and stacked bar charts – by total stack value or by the values of a given metric within the metric series.

Options include reversing the default order of values, or sorting by smallest total value first or largest total value first.

Figure: Selecting smallest first sorts in ascending order

For example, selecting smallest first arranges total metric values in ascending order.

Figure: Sorting by default order, then by smallest first

When smallest first or largest first is selected, you can also determine whether the sorting rule applies to the total values of all metrics in the series, or to the values of a specific metric.

Figure: Sort by total value, or according to a particular metric's values

Note that sorting for stacked area and stacked bar charts is only supported for charts with a single attribute, for which stacking is a result of a multiple metric series.

New Pushpins in Geo Charts

With release 95, Geo chart users can display data on a map as pushpins, with locations determined by GPS coordinates. Pushpins are useful for geographically representing data pertaining to particular retail outlets, real estate properties, or warehouses, among many other potential use cases.

Pushpins represent individual locations according to GPS coordinates
As with other Geo attributes, attributes representing Geo pushpins can be declared as such under Labels on an attribute's info page.
Pushpins represent individual locations according to GPS coordinates

Learn more about using Geo Chart Pushpins in our related post for developers!

Or, for more about configuring Geo pushpins, see Preparing Data for Geo Charts.

What's New: Release 95.1

Datestamps and Timestamps Appended to Scheduled Email Filenames

When we heard that a number of our users are sending out reports and dashboards in scheduled emails multiple times each day, we decided to make it easier for email recipients to keep track of the files they've been emailed. Files attached to scheduled email now have names containing names, datestamps, and timestamps.


name m-d-YYYY HHMM [am|pm].extension


Pipeline 9-27-2013 0230pm.pdf

Czech Districts Now Available in Geo Charts

GoodData now supports four new geo attribute labels for use in Geo charts:

  • Czech Districts (Name)
  • Czech Districts (Name without diacritics)
  • Czech Districts (NUTS4)
  • Czech Districts (KNOK)

Attribute labeling options can be accessed from an attribute's details page in the Manage section.

New labeling options available in the attribute details page

For more information on preparing your data for Geo charts, see our related article.

What's New: Release 95.2

Download CloudConnect Processes from the Platform

Prior to Release 95.1, after you published your CloudConnect projects to your GoodData projects, there was no way to retrieve them out of the platform. To make updates to those processes, you needed to locate the project in your local environment and then republish it from CloudConnect. In some cases, however, the source CloudConnect project may not be available locally. Or you may need to retrieve a process from the server for debugging purposes. As of this release, you can now download CloudConnect processes, import them into a CloudConnect project, fix issues or make updates, test the graph locally, and then redeploy back to the server. With this feature, CloudConnect becomes a round-trip solution for building and maintaining the technical components of your GoodData projects.

For more information see Downloading a CloudConnect Process from the Platform.

What's New: Release 95.3

Change ETL Graph to Use in Process Schedules

Beginning in Release 95.3, project administrators can now change the graph used in an ETL schedule through the Data Loading Administration console. From a simple drop-down, select a different graph from the same Process and make any changes to schedule parameters. When it is next scheduled to execute, the new ETL graph is used to complete the loading process.

Login screen hidden from SSO users

Previously, when an SSO token expired and the session timed out, SSO users viewing an embedded GoodData dashboard were prompted to log in. With this update, SSO users can log in again by refreshing their browser, bypassing any login page.

Other Recent Updates

Since the last major release several new features have been added to the platform:

On the Horizon

GoodData is committed to rolling out new, innovative features. Here's what we've been hard at work on:

  • Feature: Exporting reports that exceed GoodData's size limits to CSV
  • Australian regions in Geo charts

Thanks for reading up on the latest updates to the GoodData platform. Check back soon for new features to be unveiled in the weeks ahead! You can also review other recently released features as described in the Release 94 Notes.

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