Thanks for checking in to see what’s new for Release 94. This release, we bring you two MAQL updates and a usability improvement to Geo charts. Check back in next week for several additional updates you won't want to miss!
New updates since release 94:
Release 94.1
Thursday, September 12, 2013Release 94.2
Thursday, September 20, 2013Release 94.3
Thursday, September 26, 2013Release 94.4
Thursday, October 3, 2013What's New: Release 94
MAQL Update: Hierarchical Running Totals
Previously, running total functions were only supported by reports with a single date attribute. A new update to MAQL running total functions (RUNSUM, RUNMIN, RUNMAX, RUNAVG) adds support for reports with multiple date attributes of the same dimension.
In the example below, the RUNSUM Leads column shows a cumulative aggregation of a Number of Leads fact, broken across three report attributes: Year, Quarter/Year, and Month (that leads were created).
The RUNSUM Leads metric can also be modified to group cumulative aggregations within report sub-groups using a WITHIN expression, as exemplified by the metric in the final column above:
MAQL Update: Explicit Lifting
With release 94, we’re introducing the ability to specify the granularity of metrics, such as those that contain date arithmetic calculations. This could be useful in the case where you’d like a metric to return the average support ticket resolution time:
SELECT AVG((SELECT Date(closed) - Date(open) BY TICKET_ID))
SELECT AVG((SELECT {This} - Date(closed) BY TICKET_ID))
In this way, the BY keyword allows you to explicitly define the granularity of the arithmetic at the individual ticket level.
Geo Chart Update: Zoom Level Maintained Across Layers
Previously, when switching between Geo chart layers, the map zoom level dynamically adapted to the data displayed on any given map layer. But further usability testing showed that maintaining the default zoom level across multiple layers helps users stay oriented when viewing map data. This finding has been reflected in our latest round of Geo chart improvements.
Backend Improvements
You might not notice them at first glance, but our backend improvements continue to improve performance for the thousands of organizations that rely on GoodData to make critical business decisions every day.
What's New: Release 94.1
CloudConnect Update: Modify Datatype of Facts and Attributes
You can now modify the datatype of facts and attributes in CloudConnect. For example, you could change the datatype of a fact from a two digit decimal to an integer. To make modifications to a given fact or attribute, select its name in a dataset and in the Details sidebar that appears, click the pencil icon that appears by Datatype.
Use the dialog that appears to modify the fact or attribute's datatype.
You can also modify datatypes from the Attributes and Facts dialog. Select Show Datatypes and then click a datatype to update its value.
For more information on facts, attributes, and datatypes, see the CloudConnect LDM Modeler Guide.
What's New: Release 94.2
New Sorting Capabilities in Line, Area, and Combo Charts
Sorting controls are now supported for line, area, and combo charts – in addition to bar charts – and can be found in the sliding configurations pane.
Sorting allows you to determine the order in which report values appear in a chart. Different sorting options may be available depending on the type of attribute used in a report.
For more information on the new sorting capabilities in charts, see our article Sorting in Line, Area, and Combo Charts.
What's New: Release 94.3
Newly Exposed Embedded Dashboard Event
When GoodData dashboards are embedded in another web application, the dashboards expose certain events, which can be used to pass messages between a dashboard and its parent web page. These can include application state events (e.g. project down for maintenance) as well as user initiated events (e.g. user clicks a link to open an external page).
With this latest release, report export has been added as a newly supported exposed event. This means that when users export a report, this information is passed on to the parent application, which can handle the event in any way you see fit.
For more information see our article Embedded Dashboard Events.
What's New: Release 94.4
Redesigned Report Info Panel
GoodData’s newly redesigned report info panel provides a single unified dialog that you can use to learn more about a report, access a report’s fundamental configurations, or export a report to a variety of formats.
When fully expanded, the report info panel displays a report’s name and description, metric(s), and the names of any dashboard filters currently affecting the report.
Clicking Edit This Report navigates to a report's fundamental configurations in the Report Editor.
You can also use the Download As... dropdown to export a report in a number of formats. GoodData supports XLS, CSV and PDF file formats for exports, as well as PNGs in the case charts).
The new info panel also appears on the drilling dialog. This is especially useful for reminding you which dashboard filters may be affecting the drilling report's computations.
Dashboard Filters Now Support 500 Values
Dashboard attribute filters now support up to 500 selectable values, up from the previous limit of 200.
Other Recent Updates
Since the last major release several new features have been added to the platform:
On the Horizon
GoodData is committed to rolling out new, innovative features. Here's what we've been hard at work on:
- Sorting in stacked bar charts will allow users to sort the order of a chart's bars along an axis as well as the order of the stacked layers.
- Cascading date/variable dashboard filters will allow you to set up parent/child relationships between variable dashboard filters and date dashboard filters. With cascading filters, the values an end user selects in a parent filter intelligently limits the values available for selection in the child.
Thanks for reading up on the latest updates to the GoodData platform. Check back soon for new features to be unveiled in the weeks ahead! You can also review other recently released features as described in the Release 93 Notes.