Release 82 Notes: Saturday, November 10, 2012

What's New in Release 82?

For Release 82, we wanted to boost our application's analytical power by bringing you one of the most popular items in our feature request forum. You have spoken and we're definitely always listening! 

Running Totals

The running totals function allows you to display cumulative sums and averages as well as minimum and maximum values for every row/column in your reports. For instance, this comes in handy when you want to see how your sales figures cumulate over the days of the month. In the example below, we have a report that shows the # of Won Opportunities sliced by Month and Quarter. What we want to see is the running total sum of Won Opportunities over the months of the quarter. 

The Running Totals function can be enabled in the "Totals" contextual menu by following the steps below:

1. Right click on the metric header cell.

2. Select the New "Running" function from the contextual menu.


r82ss2.jpg   r82ss2.jpg  


3. Select "Running Sum". You can also set the running averages, minimum values, and maximum values.

4. The "Running Sum" column will appear next to the # of Won Opps. column.


r82ss3.jpg  r82ss4.jpg


5. To disable to Running Sum function, right click on the metric header cell and select "Remove From # of Won Opps".




Support for this functionality in charts will be available very soon, so please stay tuned!


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