Release 74 Notes: Saturday, June 23, 2012

What's New in Release 74?

The features in Release 74 will bring you significant enhancements from the front-end perspective. We've added some more functionality to our dashboard and charting capabilities which will provide an essential boost in usability. Some of the highlights include:

  • Single Option Filters
  • PDF Export in Embedded Mode
  • Define Color Palette 
  • Attribute/Variable Macros

Single Option Filters

We've added a single-option drop down filter in addition to the currently available multi-option version. This new feature will allow you to quickly and easily filter attribute values by department, group and category without having to manually select them by clicking on each check-box in the multi-option filter. 


PDF Export in Embedded Mode

Embedded dashboards can now be printed and exported to PDF! Click on the "printer" icon on the top right to start exporting and printing your embedded dashboards.


Define Color Palette 

Now you have the ability to define the color palette for charts. The custom palettes can be defined on the project level via our APIs. Exported charts will also be able reflect the custom palette. 


To Set/Update palette use the following API:

method: PUT
header: Content-Type: application/json
body: json object with color palette for example:

{"styleSettings" :
   {"chartPalette": [
      { "guid": "guid1", "fill": { "r":255, "g":255, "b":0 } },
      { "guid": "guid2", "fill": { "r":255, "g":255, "b":40 } },
      { "guid": "guid3", "fill": { "r":255, "g":255, "b":80 } },
      { "guid": "guid4", "fill": { "r":255, "g":255, "b":120 } },
      { "guid": "guid5", "fill": { "r":255, "g":255, "b":180 } },
      { "guid": "guid6", "fill": { "r":255, "g":255, "b":200 } }

To Delete the custom palette (reset to default):

method: DELETE


Variable Macros

The elements selected in a dashboard filter can now be passed to dashboard iframes and text objects/widgets. We've added some more macros that will allow you to pass variable and attributes values as parameters into embedded iframes. This will definitely improve the way you control iframe content.

The syntax of the macro is the following: 

%VARIABLE_VALUE(<variable identifier>)%

where <variable identifier> is identifier of existing filter or scalar variable.

Macro is replaced with elements values in default display form concatenated with ",". The whole replace string is URI encoded.


We hope you enjoy Release 74!

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