Release 67 Notes: Friday, February 17, 2012

What's New in Release 67?

For our 67th GoodData Release, we are pleased to announce these new additions that you'll definitely find delightful! Have a look at what we have in store for you:

  • Major Improvements in Performance
  • Headline/Sparkline Dashboard Widget
  • Visual Update of Tables and Sorting Icons
  • Chrome frame support for IE7 and IE8
  • Introducing Coupa Optimizer Analytics: New App!!!


Major Improvements in Performance

We'd like to start off by highlighting the fact that performance has been at the top of our priority list. We have done some major back end optimizations that have dramatically increased performance. Reports and Dashboards take significantly less time to load as well as Report calculations, with our improved pre-calculation mechanism along with the many other back end enhancements.


Headline/Sparkline Dashboard Widget

We've combined the simplicity and trend analysis of a Sparkline with a Headline. In Edit mode, click on "Add Widget" in the main navigation to get started.



Set the criteria for the Sparkline.



Then, add the Headline text and Voila! Now, you can enjoy your new Headline/Sparkline report!



Visual Update of Tables and Sorting Icons

We've also made some visual updates on the look and feel of the table grid, fonts and column sorting icons.



Chrome frame support for IE7 and IE8

As of today, we'll start supporting the Chrome frame plugin for older versions of Internet Explorer browsers, which will provide a significant performance boost for the IE7 and IE8 users. You can download the plugin here:

Please keep in mind that Embedded reports/dashboards will need to be loaded from a Google Chrome Frame rendered embedding page (e.g.Salesforce). Otherwise, the embedded report/dashboard will not be rendered by Google Chrome Frame. If you have any questions about this, feel free to get in touch with us at and we'll be more than happy to help.


Introducing Coupa Optimizer Analytics

For Coupa Users, use this app to measure and optimize your spend management. Coupa combines the best e-procurement and expense management capabilities in a single solution and now you can break these numbers down in GoodData!






We hope you enjoy Release 67 and there's definitely more to come. Stay tuned!

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