What's New in Release 58?
We are pleased to announce three awesome new additions in Release 58 including two new apps:
- Introducing Salesforce Support Analytics: New App!!!
- Introducing Brightidea Analytics: New App!!!
- GoodData now supports the latest versions of Chrome and Safari
- ... and some back-end optimizations for upcoming feature releases
Introducing Salesforce Support Analytics
We're happy to release the second app in our Salesforce suite, Salesforce Support Analytics. Use this app to measure the performance of your Service Cloud, or even mash this data up with your sales pipeline data.
Introducing Brightidea Analytics
For Brightidea users, now you can measure the value of innovation within your company with the Brightidea Innovation Analytics app. This awesome app not only allows you to track ideas but it also shows you where they come from, how they progress and how much money they add to the top line.
GoodData now supports the latest versions of Chrome and Safari
Tired of only being able to use Firefox or IE when creating custom metrics? In this release, we are very pleased to announce that GoodData now fully supports the latest versions of Chrome and Safari!