April 8, 2021

Support for PostgreSQL as a Data Source

PostgreSQL databases are now usable as a Data Source for creating logical data models and importing data into the GoodData platform.

Learn more:
GoodData-PostgreSQL Integration Details
Create a Data Source


New European Union Datacenter in Frankfurt, Germany

Reacting to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, we opened a new datacenter in Frankfurt, Germany, to serve EU-based users.

For details about the new EU datacenter, see:

The UK-based datacenter continues to operate normally.


New Audit Events

The following events are now captured for auditing purposes:


Learn more:
Auditing Platform Events


Embedded Analytical Designer: New postMessage clearInsight

When you embed Analytical Designer, you can now use the clearInsight command to delete the contents of an insight and still keep the insight for further updates.

Unlike the clear command that removes the whole insight, clearInsight keeps it, and you can add new information and save it as the original insight.

Learn more:
Communication with Embedded Analytical Designer


Deprecation: Older Versions of Ruby SDK

To ensure security and smooth integration with the latest GoodData platform features, we will continue to provide support only for the two most recent major versions of the Ruby SDK.

The current major version is 2.x.x, the last version is 2.1.15.

IMPORTANT! This is not an end-of-life announcement.

The two most recent major versions will be supported as follows:

  • The current major version (2.x.x) will receive all new functionality updates and all bug fixes.
  • The previous major version will receive critical feature fixes and security fixes. These fixes will be applied on top of the last released version of the previous major version (1.3.6).
  • GoodData Support will provide support only for the latest major and previous major versions.

We encourage you to always use the latest version of the Ruby SDK. If you continue using an older version, you might experience API incompatibilities and performance and security issues.

We will reach out to you if you are using an old unsupported version.

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