August 12, 2017

Loading Unstructured Data to Data Warehouse

You can now use Vertica's feature of flex (flexible) tables to load and query unstructured data in Data Warehouse.

For general information about flex tables and how to use them, see Vertica's online documentation on using flex tables.
For information about specific aspects of using flex tables in the GoodData Warehouse, see Logical Schema Design - tables and views.


New API: Save Insight as Report Definition

The new API for saving an insight from Analytical Designer as a report definition is now available.

Learn more:
API: Save an insight as a report definition


API Updates

The following API updates are now implemented:

  • The REST API resource /gdc/md/$project_id/objects/query?category=filterContext&limit=$limit now serializes values of objects/items[]/filterContext/content/filters[]/dateFilter/{to, from} as JSON strings.
  • Calling DELETE method upon /gdc/projects/$project_id now returns the status code 204 with no content. Formerly, it returned the status code 200 with empty JSON object, ie. {}.

No changes are needed on your side.
No impact on your API configuration is expected.


Upcoming Changes: Naming Date Filters

We are going to change the way how the date filters are named when added to a dashboard.

What exactly is going to change?
Now, when you are adding a date filter to a dashboard, the filter is automatically named after the date dimension that it is based on.
When the planned change is made, the newly added date filter will be named after the date dataset that is it based on.

Nothing changes for existing date filters!
This change will not affect the date filters that already exist on your dashboards. It will only be applied to the date filters that you will add after the change is made.

How can you get prepared for this change?
From the GoodData Portal, go to Manage -> Data -> Data Sets, and check the names of the date datasets in your project. Keeping in mind that the dataset names will be used as names for all new date filters, decide whether you want to rename any dataset to make sense once their names are used as filter names.

NOTE: You can and will still be able to rename a date filter on your dashboard at any time.

Learn more:
Filter for Dates


COUNT Improvements

GoodData plans to roll out new COUNT improvements. We encourage you to take a look at the following documentation and activate it.

We'd appreciate your feedback so if you have any issues or suggestions please contact us at

You will still be able to reset the old COUNT at project, project group or domain level API

No date is currently set to deprecate this and we will post additional information about the rollout in future Release Notes.


Upcoming API Updates

The following API updates are planned to be implemented:

  • The REST API resource
    will serialize values of
    always as JSON strings; previously, those two values were serialized either as JSON integers or as JSON strings based on the value of type.
  • The REST API resource /gdc/md/$project_id/objects/query?category=projectDashboard&limit=$limit
    will serialize values of
    always as JSON strings if present; previously, those two values were serialized either as JSON integers or as JSON strings based on the value of type.
    Same resource as this is /gdc/md/$project_id/obj/$obj_id.
    And WebApp has an advanced version of this resource in /gdc/md/$project_id/obj/$obj_id/view.
  • The REST API resource /gdc/xtab2/executor3 will render execResult/reportView/chart/styles{}/datalabels/fontsize always as string; whereas before this upcoming change, these two values were serialized either as JSON integers or as JSON strings depending on the context.

No changes are needed on your side.
No impact on your API configuration is expected.

When this change happens, we will post a separate announcement.


Reminder: Add Mandatory User-Agent Header to API Request

Starting from March 31, 2018, the GoodData REST API will require every API request to contain the User-Agent header. Any API request without the User-Agent header made after March 31, 2018, will be rejected.

The User-Agent header must be in the following format:
product/version (

-- product is your product name; can include your company name; must not contain spaces or slashes ( / )
-- version is your product version; must not contain spaces or slashes ( / )
-- is the email of the contact person responsible for the product in your company. The email is optional if you have specified your company name in product.

Insights-Provisioner/1.0 (

Action needed:
If you use a tool for handling API calls or a custom library for integrating with the GoodData REST API, update them to include the User-Agent header in every API request.
Although the API change is planned for the next year, we strongly recommend that you do so as soon as possible.

If you have any question, please contact GoodData Support.

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