March 23, 2017

Isolated Domains

Due to ongoing changes and improvements to the GoodData platform's architecture, from March 23rd 2017 GoodData now introduces the concept of isolated customer domains.

Learn more:
Customer and Default Domains


Multiple KPI Dashboards

You can now have multiple KPI dashboards in your project.


In addition to the existing functionality (see Setting Up a KPI Dashboard), you can now also do the following:

  • Create many KPI dashboards in your project.
  • Rename a KPI dashboard.

How does this affect your existing KPI dashboard?
If you already have a KPI dashboard in your project, you will see it in the new GoodData Platform UI named as 'KPIs'. You can change this default name to a more relevant one.
You can immediately start adding more KPI dashboards to your project.

How does it affect your embedded KPI dashboard?
For embedded KPI dashboards, the navigation panel listing KPI dashboards is hidden by default. If you want it to be visible, update the embedded dashboard URI with the showNavigation parameter. For more information, see Embed a KPI Dashboard.

Note: The KPI dashboards are available for Direct customers. If you are a Powered by GoodData customer and want to use the KPI dashboard, please contact GoodData Support.

Learn more:
Setting Up a KPI Dashboard


MAQL - New COUNT and Filtering

GoodData extends support for COUNT with better slicing, filtering and context resolution. In order to use this improved COUNT you will need to enable it via API. Please read the documentation below for detailed information on this new feature.

Learn more:
COUNT Improvements


Project Hierarchy API

New API allows you to control levels of hierarchy settings. The settings can be used to set feature flags or other parameters e.g. for whole domain and override them for specific projects.

Learn more:
Hierarchical Configuration API


Custom Login, Logout and Error Pages for White-Labeled Domains with SSO

For white-labeled domains using SSO authorization mode, the following optional parameters are now available in the REST API for updating white-labeling settings:

  • showSSOCustomUnauthorizedLoginPage (Boolean) - When set to true, the users logged in by SSO are directed to a custom 'not authorized' page instead of the default GoodData login page. The custom 'not authorized' page URL is defined by the ssoExpiredUrl parameter.
  • ssoExpiredUrl (fully qualified or relative URL) - URL of the custom 'not authorized' page to which users are directed instead of the default GoodData 'not authorized' page when their SuperSecure Token expires or is not valid.
  • ssoUnauthorizedUrl (fully qualified or relative URL) - URL of the custom 'not authorized' page to which users are directed instead of the default GoodData 'not authorized' page when the users are trying to access a project that they are not authorized to access.
  • ssoLogoutUrl (fully qualified or relative URL) - URL of the custom logout page to which users are directed instead of the default GoodData 'logout' page when they log out of the application.

      "settings": {
         "mailSettings": {
            "noReplyEmail": "",
            "registrationEmail": "",
            "invitationEmail": "",
            "bccEmail": "",
            "supportEmail": "",
            "supportPhone": "+420 123 456 789"
        "portalSettings": {
           "applicationTitle": "Custom analytics",
           "isBranded": true,
           "faviconUrl": "/favicon",
           "organizationName": "My organization",
           "displayFlashNews": false,
           "logoUrl": "",
           "displayProjects": false,
           "displayAccountPage": true,
           "supportEmail": "",
           "supportForumUrl": "/supportforums",
           "privacyPolicyUrl": "/privacyPolicy",
           "documentationUrl": "/help/",
           "securityStatementUrl": "/security",
           "termsOfUseUrl": "/tos",
           "trustUrl": "/trust",
           "appleTouchIconUrl": "/icon.png",
           "applicationBackgroundColor": "#999",
           "hideRegistration": "false",
           "largeLogoUrl": "",
           "brandColor": "#999",
           "headerColor": "#FF0040",
           "activeColor": "#F7FE2E",
           "headerTextColor": "#610B38",
           "walkMe": "9co9eaewd2b3ntqz3slw9co9eaewd2b3",
           "showSSOCustomUnauthorizedLoginPage": true,
           "ssoExpiredUrl": "/expired",
           "ssoUnauthorizedUrl": "/unauthorized",
           "ssoLogoutUrl": "/logout"

Learn more:
Customize the White-Labeled Domain


Support for AWS Signature version 4 Authentication

CloudConnect now supports authentication with AWS Signature version 4.

From now on, you can use CloudConnect when working with data located on Amazon S3 buckets using AWS Signature version 4.

Action needed:
Update your CloudConnect to the latest version: from the menu bar, click Help -> Check for Updates.


Formatting JSON in Editor

Improvements to input in the scheduling input editor validates JSON scripts when configuring schedules. Addition of 'Format' button now allows you to format JSON for easier input.

Learn more:
Configuring Schedule Parameters


Improvement to Renaming Attributes in LDM Modeler

Changes to the title of a date dimension in the master project using LDM Modeler now propagates to all attributes of the dimension automatically.

Learn more:
LDM Modeler


End-of-life of XLS Format in Report Export

We have removed the option of exporting a report to the Microsoft Excel XLS format. This option was deprecated back in 2014.

What exactly has changed?
The Excel XLS option is no longer available in the following parts of the GoodData platform user interface:

  • Exporting a report from a dashboard / report editor, the Download As... and Export dropdowns respectively:

    Download_as.png          Export.png

  • Configuring a scheduled email, the list of formats for the reports to be attached to the email:


How does this affect you?
You still can use the XLSX format.
If you have configured a scheduled email with reports exported to XLS, the reports will be delivered as XLSX. The REST API for exporting a report will still accept XLS as the result format, but the report will be delivered as XLSX.
You do not have to make any changes on your side.


Upcoming API Changes: Mandatory User-Agent Header in API Request

Starting from March 31, 2018, the GoodData REST API will require every API request to contain the User-Agent header. Any API request without the User-Agent header made after March 31, 2018, will be rejected.

The User-Agent header must be in the following format:
product/version (

-- product is your product name; can include your company name; must not contain spaces or slashes ( / )
-- version is your product version; must not contain spaces or slashes ( / )
-- is the email of the contact person responsible for the product in your company. The email is optional if you have specified your company name in product.

Insights-Provisioner/1.0 (

Action needed:
If you use a tool for handling API calls or a custom library for integrating with the GoodData REST API, update them to include the User-Agent header in every API request.
Although the API change is planned for the next year, we strongly recommend that you do so as soon as possible.

If you have any question, please contact GoodData Support.


Upcoming End-of-life: /etl/pull REST API Resource

On April 22, 2017, the /etl/pull REST API resource will stop working. The resource was replaced with the /etl/pull2 resource. The /etl/pull2 resource is asynchronous, allows for a faster data upload, and helps avoid time-outs.

Please note that we have postponed the date when the /etl/pull REST API resource would stop working from March 23, 2017 to April 22, 2017. However, if you are using the /etl/pull REST API resource, we strongly recommend that you switch to the /etl/pull2 resource as soon as possible.

Action needed:
If you use custom code to call the /etl/pull resource, change it to use /etl/pull2. Do so before April 22, 2017. For the instructions, see Data Upload API Resource.

We will post a separate announcement when the resource end-of-life happens.

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