Uploading a CSV File for Your GoodData Trial

Make the most of your GoodData trial experience by uploading a CSV file and exploring GoodData's visualization and reporting capabilities with your own data. Follow the formatting guidelines below to get started.

General Requirements and Tips

Creating a CSV File

  • You can create a CSV file by opening a file in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft® Excel®, selecting Save As, and setting the file format to comma separated values .csv.

Note: The maximum supported file size for CSV upload is 20MB.

Formatting Tips

  • Ensure your file has a header row at the top containing the name of each column.
  • Format all rows in a column consistently.
  • Include the same number of fields in each record, including the header.
  • Separate fields with commas.
  • If commas are included in the value, the value has to be enclosed in quotes ("")

Number Formatting

  • Use the plain #######.## format for numbers: avoid using scientific notation (12E3). Number can include commas (,) currency symbols ($), percentage signs (%)

Dates Formatting

  • Ensure your date values are between the years 1900 and 2050, GoodData’s supported range.
  • Use on of the following supported date formats:
    • yyyy/mm/dd
    • dd/mm/yyyy
    • mm/dd/yy
    • dd/mm/yy
    • mm-dd-yy
    • dd-mm-yy
    • yyyymmdd

Text Formatting

  • Surround text strings with quotation marks (e.g. “Bob Smith”).

For more detailed guidelines, please see Tips for Uploading via CSV.

Common Problems

NOTE: Wherever possible, use a tool or a library to generate your CSV files. Avoid generating them manually.

All strings should be wrapped in quote marks (“), as in the following example:

"This is a string."
  • Avoid scientific notation number format (e.g. 12E3).
  • Remove all currency or percent characters from your numbers.
  • For date values, verify that no date is out of range (before 1900 or after 2050).
  • Verify that there are no End of File (EOF) delimiters in your CSV.
  • Verify that all quotations are closed.
  • Save your CSVs as “Windows CSVs” on Mac (Macs may use an unsupported end-of-line character).
  • Avoid using the Finder’s “Compress File” on Mac to create a ZIP file for upload, as it adds some hidden files to the archive. Use command line utilities on a Mac or avoid compression.

Additional Hints

Using a double quote (“”) symbol to escape a quotation mark (“) inside a given field

To use quotation marks within one or more of a field's values (e.g. “Large” Fountain Drink), use double quotation marks.

Example of proper use of quotation marks within a field: ""Large"" Fountain Drink

Redundant spaces in a CSV file

Make sure to remove extra spaces between values in your CSV file. Commas used to separate values should not be followed by an additional space. For example:




["User_ID", "Name"]

Thanks to your feedback, we have a number of improvements we're working to implement in the CSV Uploader in the near future. Thank you for your patience and support!

Questions? Email a description of the issue to support@gooddata.com with your CSV file attached.


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