A maintenance window is scheduled for Tuesday, May 4th, 2021, at 1 AM Pacific Daylight Saving Time (other time zones). The maintenance window is planned to take up to 2 hours.
The maintenance is planned for US-1, US-2 and EU-1. For more information about the datacenters, click here.
What will it bring?
- Security bug fixes of the underlying operating system
How will it affect you?
1 AM - 3 AM: The ADS instances created in development and testing environments will not be available.
No action required!
There is no action required from you.
We will be posting updates to this announcement to inform you about the maintenance window status. To get a notification email, subscribe to updates in this announcement.
We appreciate your patience and thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact GoodData Support.
Ivana Gasparekova
BAD Our Scheduled Maintenance is nearly over - US-1 and US-2 datacenters are up and fully operational.
Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with EU-1 datacenter that led to the extension of the Scheduled Maintenance window. Some of you may still be encountering some issues.
The engineering team is currently working on this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and we greatly appreciate your patience here. We will keep you posted as soon as the information becomes available.
Ivana Gasparekova
GOOD I am happy to announce the Scheduled Maintenance is over - all datacenters are up and fully operational.