We are currently experiencing a partial outage of our platform. You may notice across your projects that DISC functionality and scheduled data-loads may not work. Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience. Our developers are investigating the issues with high priority.
Merjola Prifti
Our developers continue to actively work on steps to remediate the issues with the Data Integration Console and schedule data loads. We'll let you know more as soon as we have some other info to share.
Merjola Prifti
The issue is still ongoing and our engineers are working to hard to fix the issue. We are escalating the effort and we expect to have more updates soon. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.
Joe Heun
This issue is still ongoing, so our engineers are diligently working to correct this. We will be keeping you updated as more information becomes available. Again, we greatly appreciate your patience in this matter.
Joe Heun
Hello Everyone! We have received word that the incident is now over. We can confirm that the platform is back to normal. However, there may be a small fraction of projects where scheuled ETLs or a fraction of ETL schedules which may experience some trouble, so if you are noticing any trouble in your loading process, please reach out to support@gooddata.com