GoodData.CN 3.27.0

Released on January 23, 2025

Support for External Email Recipients

Administrators can now configure destinations that allow users to send alerts and scheduled exports to any email address, including those outside of your organization. For added control, you can disable the inclusion of dashboard links when sending to external recipients. See Create Destinations for details.

New Notification Panel for Alerts

In addition to receiving automatically triggered alerts via email and webhook channels, you can now also send alerts to a new notification panel. Located at the top of the web application, the notification panel is accessible from anywhere within the workspace. By clicking a notification, you can navigate directly to the widget that triggered the alert.

Notifications can be sent independently or alongside email and webhook alerts. See Create Destinations for details.

Customizable Time Granularity in Dashboard Date Filters

You can now customize the date filters in your dashboard to show specific time granularities, such as only days, months, or years. This is done using the dateFilterConfig metadata object in the GoodData UI. This feature allows you to optimize your dashboards by displaying only the date increments that are most relevant to your use case.

For more details, see the Date Filter Documentation.

PostgreSQL Data Source SSL Validation

When setting up a PostgreSQL data source, the API/backend now requires at least one of the ssl or sslmode parameters.

Changes to Existing Data Sources

If your data source does not include ssl or sslmode in the JDBC URL, we will automatically add sslmode=prefer to keep things working as they are now. This ensures no breaking changes, as it was the previous default for the PostgreSQL driver.

However, we recommend switching to sslmode=verify-full for better security and to ensure encryption in transit protection.

Changes for New Data Sources

When creating a new data source via API, you must now include either ssl or sslmode in your request.

If you’re using a template to create data sources automatically, you need to update the template to include one of these parameters.

If not, the new data source creation will fail, which is different from how it worked before.

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