GoodData.CN 3.10.0

Released on May 30, 2024

New Features

Introducing Smart Functions: Forecasting

We are excited to introduce a new feature for line chart visualizations: Forecasting. This feature uses autoregressive statistical modeling to create forecasts of future trends based on your data.

Forecasting is the first of our "Smart Functions," a planned series of features that leverage advanced statistical methods, or machine learning, to help you gain more insights from your data with just a click of a button.

Learn More:

Smart Functions

Line Chart

Added Support for Segmentation in Scatter Plots

We have introduced a new field for scatter plot visualizations called segmentation. This allows you to slice your data using an additional attribute or date, and color-code points that belong to the same segment for enhanced data insights.

Learn More:

Scatter Plot

Dashboard Keyboard Navigation

We are committed to improving GoodData accessibility over time and are excited to announce the addition of keyboard navigation support in dashboards. You can now select individual elements using the tab key and click using the enter key. This enhancement allows you to fully utilize dashboards in view mode without needing a mouse.

Developer Tools

GoodData.UI 10.2.0

The newest version of GoodData.UI contains the following changes:

  • The import API now returns information about the imported file, providing more transparency.
  • Workspace descriptors now include hierarchy data to better represent organizational structures.
  • Added a filter to the workspaces query, allowing users to retrieve only root workspaces.
  • Introduced support for PDF export format, enabling users to easily download and share reports.

For a detailed overview of what's new in version 10.2.0, see CHANGELOG on GitHub.

Python SDK 1.20.0

In this version, we have removed methods previously marked as deprecated. Most of these methods included the word "insight" in their names, referring to an outdated term for visualizations.

Upgrade GoodData.CN to 3.10

To upgrade the Helm chart, follow the general upgrade guide.

The new image has an updated PostgreSQL server, so you need to migrate your data before using it. Follow these steps to upgrade from version 3.9.0 to the new version:

  1. Start a container from image 3.9.0 with the data volume mounted as usual.
  2. Run the backup script inside the running container (replace gdcn-id with your container name):
    $ docker exec -it gdcn-id /opt/scripts/
    You should see the message: "Backup successfully created."
  3. Stop and optionally delete the old container, but keep the volume.
  4. Run the new container (version 3.10.0) with the original volume. The data will be upgraded automatically.

You will know the data restoration is successful if you see these messages at the start of the new container:

/data/backup/dump.sql.gz: OK

Found a dump to restore.




If the upgrade fails, you can still use the old image (3.9.0) and data volume.

If you accidentally start the new image with the old volume without running the backup script, the application will start but show no data. To recover, follow these steps:

  1. Stop and delete the container you started from the new image.
  2. Run a container from the old image (3.9.0) with the mounted volume and modified entry point to remove the incompatible Redis savepoint:
    docker run -it --rm -v gd-data:/data --entrypoint /bin/rm gooddata/gooddata-cn-ce:3.9.0 -f /data/redis/dump.rdb
    1. Run the database backup as described above.

    2. Run a container from the new image, and your data will be available again.

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